{One last summer hurrah // Weekend trip to Beaver's Bend}

On one hand this trip feels like it was so long ago, but on the other hand it feels just like yesterday we road tripped to Beaver's Bend for one last summer hurrah! After spending a day on the river at Dinosaur Valley State Park Nate and I both agreed that we needed to take Mason to Beaver's Bend before school started. So, we did just that. We couldn't find any cabins available on such a short notice, but we were able to grab a room at Lakeview Lodge.

We left pretty early on Friday so that we'd have most of Friday to spend there at Beaver's Bend. Since it was just a short weekend trip we wanted to make the most of our time. We arrived at 11:00ish am only to find our room wouldn't be ready until 3:00pm. We didn't mind though, we had plenty we could do. We knew that we wanted to drive around and see all the changes. When we camped at Beaver's Bend back in December it had flooded and so many parts were closed. Since then we had heard about bridges and buildings that were washed away in the flood. It was crazy! Some parts of the state park didn't even look the same! The bridge that was washed away was at our favorite fishing hole that we called the Indian Hole. It's disappointing, but Nate and I think the re-build will make this area even better.

Disclaimer - this post is going to be picture heavy. (the reason it took me so long to get this posted)

After we drove around and spent some time at the Indian Hole we decided to go on the Duck Tour. It's a new addition to Beaver's Bend, so we wanted to check it out. We really enjoyed it! The driver was awesome and even let the kids take a turn driving out on the lake!

We tried swimming at the swimming hole, but at 55 degrees we just couldn't do it! It was frigid. So, we loaded up and went to the lake where we knew the water was warmer! We also got to see the new paddle board rental area! It wasn't open when we were there, but we checked it out anyway. Nate did some fishing in the lake and Mason and I walked around.

That evening we ate at Grateful Head pizza (our favorite) and then called it a night. Saturday morning we got up and got ready for some canoeing. We got on the water shortly after they opened around 9:30. We wanted to beat some of the heat and the crowd. This is probably one of my favorite things we did the whole weekend. We had a complete blast and I think we need to invest in a canoe so we can all three go out together.

After our canoe trip we had worked up an appetite. We had lunch at a new place in town called Burgers and Blues. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was great!

After lunch we went back to Beaver's Bend State Park to check out the new Nature Center and to look for crawdads. We had so much fun just walking the river bed.

We spent the rest of the evening at the spillway. Nate fished and Mason and I walked around exploring the area. This was another part of Beaver's Bend that was completely different because of the flooding. We never had access to this much of the area before. We had so much fun exploring!

Sunday morning we slept in a tad and then packed up to head home. It was such an awesome trip and we made so many great memories! The perfect way to wrap up summer.

{The Kids Behind The Blog // September Edition}

 Welcome to our 8th installment of "The Kids Behind the Blog"!! If you're new to this link-up you can find all the details here. I know I may be a just a bit biased, but this is seriously one of my favorite link-ups each month. It's so much fun to read what the kids have to say each time. Kids say the most hilarious things and are so unpredictable. It's my favorite!! I hope you'll join my co-hosts (Stephanie, Meghan, Jessica and Beth) and I and link-up with us. This month each of the hosts contributed a question, so it's a random questions kind of month, Can't wait to see how your kid(s) answered these.

 September's Questions:

1. What is your favorite sport? Why?
Soccer because I used to play it. I liked to play goalie and I was good at it.

2. If someone gave you a million dollars what would you buy?
(with absolutely no hesitation)
A mansion. A 50 story mansion. And a pet alligator. And a place for my alligator to swim. And a kid motorcycle....like a medium dirt-bike.

3. Tell me 3 things that kids do better than mommies and Daddies.
Umm, I can't answer that.
Just try bud (me).
Okay, 1.) homework, 2.) school, 3.) playing, 4.) karate

4.) What is your favorite thing to do in the fall?
Go trick or treating.

5.) Share with me 3 things you like about yourself.
That I get y'all as parents.
That's sweet bud, but what do you like about you? (me)
Ummmm, 1.) My kind heart, 2.) my muscles, 3.) my high kicks for karate

I think these were some of my favorite answers of his so far. He is the sweetest boy and I just love him so. 

Grab our button and link-up with us!
Hall Around Texas The Kids Behind the Blog

Hall Around Texas
Remaining dates for this year:
October 12th, November 9th, December 14th

Questions for October:
1.) What do you want to be for Halloween?
2.) Do you like handing out candy or collecting it?
3.) What should mommy and daddy be for Halloween?
4.) Do you like to make a scary or happy face Jack-o-Lantern?
5.) What is the best part of Halloween? What is the worst?   

{Currently // September 2016}

Grape Limeades from Sonic!! Oh my word they are so good and refreshing. And a Sonic just opened close to my house! Wahoo. That fall is right around the corner. It's my most favorite time of year. Nate got my fall box of goodies down from the attic and I can't wait to put little fall touches around my house. I already have my pallet pumpkins on the porch. And is it just me, or is Pinterest so much more fun during this time of year? Also loving my boys and our church. Life is good!

The headaches I've been getting almost every day for the last 3-4 weeks. They are sinus induced and so miserable. I'm over it. And also that school is back in session. womp.womp. Yes, over three weeks in and I am still bitter. I have a really hard time sharing my sweet boy. Especially to school.

Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer. Friends, I just started this one but I think it is going to be life changing. One of my favorite quotes so far is..
Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth.
Have you read this one? Thoughts?

94.9 KLTY (Local Christian station) and my Worship Playlist on Spotify!

Gilmore Girls, Bachelor in Paradise {I have a couple of episodes to go} and I want to start Stranger Things soon. I tried it the other day but thought it was too much for Mason. So, I planned on watching it while he was at school. But now I hear how creepy it is and I don't know if I want to watch it by myself. Have you watched it? Thoughts?

My sweet boy when he is at school! And his sweet daddy while he's at work.

For these allergies and headaches to take a hike. 

Two trips we have planned. One in October and one in December. They are two of my favorite places to go with Mason!! I will share more on this later. And fall. I have fall on the brain something fierce since school forced me out of the summer mindset. I am also looking forward to Boo'ing Mason's cousins next month!! We've already started their Halloween bucket.

Fall. Pumpkin everything. Cooler weather. College football. Festivals and Carnivals. Sweaters and boots. Soups and crockpot meals. Camping trips. The pumpkin patch. Halloween. etc.

And that's all that we have going on. What's currently going on in your world?

{Weekend Wrap-up // Ten on the Tenth}

Happy Monday! I don't know about you, but I needed just a little more weekend. I did not want to get out of bed this morning! We didn't do much at all this weekend, but it was nice. And I actually remembered to take 10 photos Saturday for 10 on the 10th. Wahoo! We left the house and I forgot to take my big camera, but I grabbed some with my phone.

Saturday morning Nate went fishing with a friend while Mason and I ran a few errands. Then we met Nate back at home to grab some lunch and find something to do for the day. Mason voted for Bass Pro Shop {the one with the shark} and I am sure that made Nate's fishing-obsessed-heart so happy! So we spent a good portion of our Saturday in Grapevine!
Mason & I slept in until after 9am! // Snapchat filter fun in bed // Target - heading to Halloween section // Icee // Tried to eat at our favorite little burger joint but this train wasn't budging! We sat there for 30 minutes before turning around // and settling on Braums // Horns down! // The shark at Bass Pro // My family's chicken named Dorris. She tried to come home with us

And the 10th {because it wouldn't fit in the collage}

Mom's fruit tree

Sunday was church and it was so amazing! Our pastor delivered a wonderful message from 1 Peter 4:7-11 about loving one another earnestly with everything you've been given. And Nathan and I made a commitment to start serving our church!! So thankful for God's movement in our lives. After church we grabbed some lunch and hung out at home for a bit. We had supper at Nate's parent's house and then ended the evening & weekend down at the pond. Nate fished, Mason played, and I snapped some pictures. I am sure this doesn't surprise anyone. 

A tiny peek of one of Mason's 2016 costumes!
And that's a wrap on our weekend! How was yours?

{2016 Summer Bucketlist Update}

Confession time - Fall has always been my favorite time of the year. Until this year! I have enjoyed summer so much that it's almost tied with how much I love fall. I think it's because Mason had 11 or so weeks off of school and I got to spend so much time with him. We had a blast this summer and made so many amazing memories. I'm still not ready to give Mason completely back to school yet {and we are almost 3 weeks in}!! Thank God for the Labor Day weekend so early in the school year. Starting big/public school has put such a wrench in our style. We're so used to packing up and leaving anytime we want and now we have to work around a school schedule. Blah!! Anyhow, lets just say that I am more grateful for summer {crazy hot temps and all} than I have ever been.

{Five on Friday // PinkBlush, Kayaking, Office supplies}

Happy Friday! I have to say that this week went by pretty quick. It was a good and low-key week for us for once. We didn't go to any karate classes and stayed home most evenings. And...wait for it...I even cooked!! It seems like we have been just grabbing fast food or something easy for a while because our evenings are filled with karate. Mason needed a break this week and I kind of welcomed it. I've enjoyed being in the kitchen and having a meal ready by the time Nate gets home from work. And I've enjoyed the sweet time with Mason just hanging out without having to worry about getting ready and out the door. One evening Nathan and Mason went kayak fishing. I went to take some pictures, but then I had a whole 2 hours to myself. And while I could have easily just plopped down on the couch to catch up on BIP, I didn't. I was productive instead. And it felt so good and refreshing.

{Picture Perfect Project // September Edition}

Mason is just like me when I was a child - hates taking pictures! I used to get so mad every time my parents would take my picture. I hated being center of attention and for that reason loathed the camera. My parents like to tell a story about a time when we were moving from one house to another and they found a stash of photos of me under a stereo console. I was only 3 years old and I hid every single picture that I found of myself. Hilarious! Anyhow, Mason comes by it honestly. So when he agreed to let me take a few pictures while out and about one Saturday afternoon I couldn't jump on the opportunity quick enough. Of course he chose the red train near the feed store. I've tried taking pictures of him on this same train so many times and can't quite figure out how to get a good shot! The train is so bright and shiny that it reflects the sun in a major way. And of course I put him in a red shirt that day. Oh well, I will take what I can get.

{Labor Day Weekend // A Trip to the Hill Country}

Just like last year we road-tripped to the Texas hill country for some Labor Day weekend camping fun in Mason, TX! TimeHop told me that we have been traveling to Mason for three years now. I can't believe Mason was barely three years old when we started camping here! We visit Mason, TX every Memorial Day and Labor Day {with the exception of May 2015 when we went to Disney}. It is one of my favorite camping trips, hands down.

{He said what??}

{Panama City Beach FL Bucketlist Update}

{Five on Friday // Karate, Fall, Lobsters}

Happy Friday! So glad it's almost the weekend. I have been so sick with allergies this week and I am just over it. While I am still not feeling well, I am ready to get the Labor day weekend started. It's one of my favorite weekends of the year because we travel to the hill country for some camping in Mason, TX. This is the same place that we also visit at Memorial Day! We always have the best time and my boy can run around and just be a boy. Mason, TX will forever hold a special place in my heart. Counting down the minutes until 4:00pm so we can get on the road! Until then, a little Five on Friday and what we've been up to this week.

{August in Numbers}

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