{A Re-introduction of Hall Around Texas}

Many moons ago I saw this type of post on a friend's blog and wanted to post one here. I have made so many new blog friends since I have done any kind of 'about me' post. So, a re-introduction of me and my blog was in order. Just some random tid-bits about me and this blog....

{Little Letters // Vol. 7}

It's the 2nd Friday of the month which means it's time to link up with Kristin at Taz and Belly for Little Letters!! Every month I love this link-up a little more. To read my past Little Letters click H E R E. It feels so good to get these random little thoughts out of my mind each month! Here are my letters for this month...

{Five Things bringing me joy right now}

Time for another round of five things that are bringing me joy right now. I wrote a post like this a few months ago {H E R E} and I decided I want to do this every couple of months. Life often gets busy or mundane and so I want to focus on the happy. A heart check, if you will.

{The Daily Dime // A Day in the Life Summer 2017}

Time for another round of The Daily Dime - A Day in the Life. I really enjoyed writing this post last month and think these posts will be fun to look back on at a later time. It's amazing how much a day in our lives can change depending on the season or time of year. Here is a look at a day in our life...

{The Kids Behind the Blog // July edition}

Time for the July edition of The Kids Behind the Blog. If you're new to the blog and not really sure what this link-up is all about you can read all about it here. Basically we provide you with 5-7 questions to ask your kid(s) each month. Then you blog about it and come back here to link-up. My co-hosts and I love to hear the things that kids say and that's why this link-up was born! I love the fun questions for this month. Here are Mason's answers for July's The Kids Behind the Blog...

{Getting Outdoors with your kids}

Nathan and I are always looking for ways that we can spend time outdoors with Mason. The more we are outside the less he is inside playing games or watching Netflix on the iPad. Below are some ways to get outdoors with your children.

{10 on the 10th // Daily Habits}

Linking up with Erin at Perfectly Port for this month's 10 on the 10th Link-up Party. This month's prompt is 10 daily habits. This post was fun to ponder on and write. I never really realized these daily habits before. Here are ten of my daily habits...

{He said what??}

It's been a while since I have done a 'he said what' post. Mason is one of the most witty kids I have ever met and he keeps us on our toes. I love to document the adorable and the hilarious {at least to me} things that Mason says on the blog so that I can read them when he's grown! I keep a note going on my phone so that I can compile them into one big blog post every so often. This one goes back all the way to September of last year.

{What We're Reading // Vol. 7}

We're back for our seventh edition of "What We're Reading"! Thank you to all you that have linked up with us thus far. It's been fun to see what everyone else is reading each month. My book list is now never ending and I love it. I've recently rekindled my love for reading. I thought I loved a good paperback book, but it's proving easier to read on the Kindle app on my phone. Here is a look at what we are reading this month.

{Happy Independence Day}

{Sweet Summertime 2017 // Vol. 2}

Back with another photo dump of some pictures from summer 2017 so far! Most of these are just from hanging out at home, but I am soaking up every minute of this sweet summer with my loves. Summer...please slow down!

{Five on Friday // VBS, Lexi, 4th of July, Vacation, Amevie Sunglasses}

It has been a long while since I've wrote a Five on Friday post! It was back at the beginning of May to be exact. May and June have been our busiest months so far this year and I don't see it slowing down any time soon. Here is a little bit of what we have been up to this week...

{Guys Behind the Blog // June}

Time for the Guys Behind the Blog - June edition!! I love getting to feature Nate on the blog each month and always look forward to his answers! Most of the time I can predict exactly how he would answer them and sometimes he totally surprises me. Here are his answers for June's edition of The Guys Behind the Blog.

{Taking Stock}

{12 handy apps for Camping}

Hall Around Texas - 12 handy apps to have for camping

Ultimately when we are camping we like to disconnect from social media and forget about our cell phones for a while. But, there are times when we do use them and when they come handy. Not only do we use them for taking pictures on the go, but also for so many great camping/outdoor apps we have found. Below I am sharing 12 handy apps to have while camping.

{Memorial Day weekend trip // Mason, TX}

Way back in May we checked 'travel to the Texas Hill Country for our annual Memorial Day camping trip in Mason, TX' off of our Summer Bucketlist. We camp here every Memorial & Labor Day weekend and I don't think we could love it more. Every year it's pretty much the same group of people...somewhere between 10-18 campers...and it's a time of good food, good adventures and great fellowship! It's two of our favorite weekends of the year!!

{Guys Behind the Blog // A Link-up Reminder}

Just a reminder of the Guys Behind the Blog Link-up that goes live next Thursday! The month of May was a blur for me and I didn't get to post my May edition on time. So, I wanted to make sure to share the questions so that you all have them for June and July. It's so fun to be able to feature the guys on the blog once a month! We hope that you will join us!

{Crape Myrtle Capital of Texas}

This is an old post that has been sitting in my drafts for the longest. However, I saw that today's "I'll show you" prompt was 'around my hometown' and it kind of fit. Just a little bit about the oh so charming place that I call home.

{Summertime Photo Checklist}

 Last year I created a summer photo checklist of all of the photos that I thought would capture summertime perfectly. I wanted to challenge myself to this photo checklist again this summer so I updated my list. I changed out some specific things with some more general items. Below is a list of 50 things I hope to capture in a photograph this summer.

{$10 to Target}

Time for one of my favorite link-ups...$10 Target Challenge! Basically, you go to Target and try to spend $10 or less and then link-up what you bought! Target is one of my favorite stores and I love to see what people find & buy there. It's also fun to get to peek inside Target stores in other places. I have noticed that my Target looks so much different than everyone else's. #smalltowntexas But, I went yesterday and they are renovating our store! It's starting to look so much more like all of the stores I see in other posts and it's so nice!! I am excited to see it when it's complete. Anyhow, here is a look at what I got this month.

{Sweet Summertime 2017 // Vol. 1}

Hi, my name is Crystal and I am a picture hoarder. As of last week I had over 5,000 pictures in my phone. I decided to back them up to my external harddrive and iTunes last week so that I could clear some off my phone. It took me hours! And once I was done I just knew I had taken about 3/4 of the photos off my phone...but nope...I still had over 3,500 photos on there. And that's when I knew that I truly am a photo hoarder. So many of my pictures never even leave my phone {except to back-up}. I am always waiting for that 'perfect time' to post the picture and then it gets way too long after it was taken to share it. Does anyone else do that? Well, today I am going to break that cycle a bit and share some photos here on the blog. These are all from summer so far this year. Oh sweet summertime!!!!

{The Daily Dime // A Day in the Life}

If you search my blog for "A Day in the Life" you will find exactly zero posts. I've always wanted to do this, but seem to forget to start documenting until too late in the day. When I saw that this was becoming a link-up it gave me that extra push {and reminder} to document a day in our lives. Here's a look at a day in my life...

{Sweet Summertime 2017 // Vol. 4}

Oh sweet summertime! You have been so good to us. Can it please be summer forever? I love having my boy home with me and getting to hug or kiss him any time I want. Lord, help me to never take a single moment of these sweet summer days for granted. This time is such a blessing. Sharing another round of summer pictures.

{The Kids Behind the Blog // June Edition}

Time for the June edition of The Kids Behind the Blog. If you're new to the blog and not really sure what this link-up is all about you can read all about it here. Basically we provide you with 5-7 questions to ask your kid(s) each month. Then you blog about it and come back here to link-up. My co-hosts and I love to hear the things that kids say and that's why this link-up was born! I love the fun questions for this month. Here are Mason's answers for June's The Kids Behind the Blog...

{2017 Summer Bucket List}

Ohhhh sweet summertime! How I love you so. As an adult summers really didn't excite me like they did when I was a kid. And then I had a kid and that all changed. Even though I work most of the summer I work from home {biggest blessing} and we do take a lot of weekend trips and one big trip. And now that Mason is in school I love summers even more. I really hate sharing him with school. Ugh. I am always counting down until the summer when I get to have him home with me almost every day. Mason and I are attached at the hip and love hanging out. I mean, just today he asked me if he, his wife and two kids can live with us when he's older. Of course my sweet boy, of course you can! Anyhow, here is list of things we hope to do before summer kicks the bucket.

{This Past Weekend}

Happy Monday!! What a weekend it was. It was filled with time at home, family, friends, and church. So much good this weekend and do you know how many pictures I took? Next to none. Here is a look at this past weekend...

{Little Letters // Vol. 6}

It's the second Friday of the month so that means it's time for Little Letters! This is one of my favorite link-ups and is hosted by Kristin at Taz and Belly. I love this link-up because it's fun to break free from the serious for a day and write these fun little letters. And, I love reading other blogger's Little Letters as much as I love to write them. Here are my Little Letters for this month...

{10 on the 10th // 10 things I've always wanted to do}

Note - this link-up actually goes live on the 9th, but I am posting today due to scheduling. 

This month's 10 on the 10th theme is 10 things you have always wanted to do/try. I love this topic because while I have a bucket list inside my brain I've never really put it out there anywhere. Maybe this can keep me accountable and give me that extra push to chase those dreams!! And if not, it's still fun to dream. Right? Here are my 10 things I've always wanted to do...

{What we're reading // Vol. 6}

We're back for our sixth edition of "What We're Reading"! Thank you to all you that have linked up with us thus far. It's been fun to see what everyone else is reading each month. My book list is now never ending and I love it. I've recently rekindled my love for reading. I thought I loved a good paperback book, but it's proving easier to read on the Kindle app on my phone. Here is a look at what we are reading this month.

{Free fonts for Summer time}


I am so excited and happy to introduce...

After only a little over week with us she has completely stolen all of our hearts!! We are smitten with her and couldn't love her more. Lexi was a {big SURPRISE} birthday present for Mason. We had known about her since she was a week old, but didn't tell Mason until the day we went to pick her up. Mason loves her something fierce and is so precious and sweet with her.

{Catch-up Post // Mason's birthday week, new puppy, ladies night, road tripping}

Testing....testing...is this thing even still on? I have neglected this space something fierce lately. I hate to glorify busy, but I really am trying to stay afloat at best. I always seem to forget how crazy the month of May gets for us. And despite my best efforts, I just can't seem to juggle it all. And because of that this blog is the first to go. But hey, looking on the bright side I have so much to catch up on around here. Here's a small snippet of what has kept us so busy lately...


Ohhhhh Mason Lane!! My sweet boy. Today you are seven years old. Seven. My mama heart can barely handle it.

{The Guys Behind the Blog // May edition}

Time for the Guys Behind the Blog - May edition!! I love getting to feature Nate on the blog each month and always look forward to his answers! Most of the time I can predict exactly how he would answer them and sometimes he totally surprises me. Here are his answers for May's edition of The Guys Behind the Blog.

{First Grade // End of the Year Awards}

Yesterday was Mason's end of the year awards for First Grade! He did so well and we are so proud of him. It's hard to believe that only half a day separates us from summer and then off to 2nd grade. Where did this year go?

{This Past Weekend // Winery, Sleepovers, Carwash and Birthdays}

Oh my word! Does anyone else feel like their head is about to spin off? May is such a crazy month for us! All of the end of the year school activities, Mason's birthday week, gearing up for a weekend getaway, church events, PTO, etc. have kept me one busy woman. Mondays just don't happen around here. And if I'm being honest, it's 9:06 am on Tuesday and I am just now writing this post. Here's a look at this past weekend...

{This Past Weekend // Ranger game, time with friends & Mother's Day}

Happy Thursday! I can't believe I am just now sharing about this past weekend. The Monday after a busy Sunday is just too hard {plus I took entirely too many pictures and the thought of going through them was overwhelming}. I was in a weekend hangover/funk all day long on Monday and did very little blogging {or anything else for that matter}. And then Tuesday came and I just slapped some pictures I wanted to share into a post, Wednesday I had something planned and now here we are, already at Thursday. We had such an incredible weekend and there is no way that I could go on without blogging about it. Here is a look at...

{Remembering The Little Things // Vol. 1}

Joining some of my blog friends for a sweet little link-up called Remembering the Little Things. I try to jot down somewhere {Facebook, my blog, or a note in my phone} little moments and things that I want remembered, but sometimes I fail. These moments are fleeting and I want to remember every little thing of Mason's childhood. Therefore, I am trying to do better about documenting all of the things. Today I am sharing four little things I want to remember...

{Tuesday Talk // Keep your eye on the ball}

Sunday evening these two enjoyed some time outside playing a little soft toss, batting and catching. I loved watching and snapping a few photos of them playing together. The weather was perfect and the sun was setting creating the perfect glow. That little bit of time had me longing for summer even more.

{Little Letters // Vol. 5}

I found the Little Letters link-up by Kristin at Taz and Belly's blog back in December and I loved the idea. I have linked up ever since! You can find previous posts here. If you haven't checked out this link-up I highly suggest it. It's nice to take a break from all of the serious and to just write a fun post! Here are my letters for May...

{Another lost tooth}

Mason, age 6 years and 11.5 months

Mason lost his 2nd baby tooth Sunday night. Well, he didn't technically lose it.
It was pulled.
By Nate.
While Mason was asleep...

{10 on the 10th // 10 must haves for the mountains}

The Mountains are calling and I must go!
- John Muir

Linking up with Erin at Perfectly Port for 10 on the 10th. Today's topic is 10 must haves for a summer vacation. What to pack really depends on the destination. Since I have been longing for the mountains lets go with a summer mountain vacation to Colorado. I guess it's because I know what summer months in Texas look like and that we find ourselves dreaming of a cooler climate. And, the mountains are just beautiful. Also, I should note that we normally take the camper when we go on trips like this. For us, these are the 10 must haves for a mountain summer vacation.

{The Kids Behind the Blog // May edition}

Time for the May edition of The Kids Behind the Blog. If you're new to the blog and not really sure what this link-up is all about you can read all about it here. Basically we provide you with 5-7 questions to ask your kid(s) each month. Then you blog about it and come back here to link-up. My co-hosts and I love to hear the things that kids say and that's why this link-up was born! I love the fun questions for this month. Here are Mason's answers for May's The Kids Behind the Blog...

{This past weekend // Fishing & horses, a birthday party and backporch sitting}

Happy Monday! We had another really great weekend and I'm sad to see it go. I'm really looking forward to the summer so that the weekdays feel more like weekends. I will have my boy home with me and we won't have to work around school. I'm so excited about that. Plus, we have a few trips on the books that we are looking forward to. Anyhow, here's a look at this past weekend...

{Five on Friday // New glasses, bring your kid to work, kayaking, musical, night of prayer}

What a week it has been! I forgot how incredibly busy the month of May is for our family. It's the end of the school year and there are projects upon projects and events upon events. This week was teacher appreciation week and thus the reason for neglect to this blog. Not only was I busy preparing gifts for Mason's teacher, the PTO {which I am a part of} set up a candy bar on Wednesday for the teachers. We hung a sign that said "How sweet it is to be taught by you" and we had all kinds of yummy candies for them to indulge on. It was really cute! Wednesday was church and we didn't get home until after 10:00 because a couple came in needing some help. We fed them and put them up in our church's caring house for the evening. Today we have members of the church going to check on them and put a plan in place to get them back home about an hour and a half south of us. Thursday Mason had a music program at school and then it was National Night of Prayer. Here's a peek of what has been going on in our parts lately...

{What We're Reading // Vol. 5}

We're back for our fifth edition of "What We're Reading"! Thank you to all you that have linked up with us thus far. It's been fun to see what everyone else is reading each month. My book list is now never ending and I love it. I've recently rekindled my love for reading. I thought I loved a good paperback book, but it's proving easier to read on the Kindle app on my phone. Here is a look at what we are reading this month.

{This Past Weekend // Babes, Beauty and the Beast & a Birthday celebration}

Happy Monday! Why do the weekends fly by at the speed of lightening and then the week drags on and on? Anyone else feel that way? Last night I found myself saying, "there is no way it's already Sunday evening!!" Ugh! But, we must press on. Here's a look at this past weekend...