{Jeepers Creepers}

Decorating the Jeep for holidays is so much fun! My favorite is Christmas with the lights, the wreath, and the reindeer antlers and nose, but Halloween is so much fun too! We mostly only do the Halloween thing for camping or Jeep events. Anyhow, I wanted to share some fun pictures here.

{Halloween Crafts on the porch}

One of my favorite things to do with Mason in the fall is to craft on the porch after school! The weather isn't too terribly hot and we just have the best time together. Anytime I am at Target and scrolling the dollar spot area I stock up on seasonal crafts for just this reason! It's a simple little task that gets us off our phones or video games for a bit and allows us to spend some quality time together outside. Sure, we could do this inside...but there is just something about being outside in the fall.

{Five on Friday // Free Halloween Fonts edition}

Happy Friday! You know I love to find and share new fonts around here. So, I wanted to share some fun Halloween fonts I have come across! Here are five free Halloween fonts I am loving.

{Air Show at Fort Worth Alliance Airport // 2019}

Okay, y'all...we have seriously been living under a rock! This was our first time to ever go to the Fort Worth air show and I can't for the life of me figure out why. We've heard about it a million times, but never pursued anything beyond that! We were blown away by the size of this thing and how fun it was!! We are so glad we were invited to go, otherwise, we may have never gone. Here's a look at our day at the Fort Worth Air Show!

{Weekend Wrap-up // Haunted house, air show, benefit dinner, church and friends}

Whoa! What a busy and crazy week so far. Every time I have come to type up this post I get sidetracked with something else. Anyways, we had a really good weekend full of family and friends. Here's a look at our weekend wrap-up...

{2019 Autumn bucket list // Update one}

It should come as no surprise that we've already started crossing things off our 2019 Autumn bucket list!! Here's what we've done so far...

{DIY // porch pumpkin revamp}

If you have been around my blog for a minute then you know that crafting is my jam! I try to work on at least one project a weekend. I enjoy it and find it therapeutic too. And, what good is all those Pinterest pins if you never put them to use? Right? Last weekend was kind of a weird weekend with me being ill and all. The only craft I had done was making some onesies for my niece that is due in December {and I totally forgot to take pictures}. So Sunday evening I was itching to make something, but I didn't really have anything planned. One trip to my porch changed that! I saw my porch pumpkin I made several years ago and it was in dire need of a revamp...

{Halloween Happenings at Mitchell Resort // 2019}

This past weekend was our 3rd annual Halloween Happenings at Mitchell Resort and we had a complete and total blast. You can see year one here and year two here {side note - oh my gah, my itty bitty 2017 Mason}!! This year my parents and my sister and her family were able to join us as well as our good friends again! I can't even tell you how much fun we had.

{Mason's 2019 Halloween Costume}

Picking out a costume for Mason each year is so fun! I mean, it was a lot more fun when I had full reigns and could dress him in something cute. But, it's also neat to see what he chooses each year. For weeks was determined to get one of those blow-up T-Rex costumes, but that quickly changed when he saw this one...

{Texas State Fair // 2019}

As Hall family tradition holds, we went to the Texas State Fair this past Sunday! We like going on Sunday mornings because they are far less crowded than on a Saturday! And we like to get there as soon as they open so that it's not as hot. But who am I kidding? This is Texas and we were sweating just walking from the truck to the gates. Anyhow, here is our 2019 Texas State Fair trip...

{Three Black Cats // DIY}

DIY'ing and crafting are my jam! A weekend is just not complete for me if it didn't involve crafting of some kind. I am obsessed and find it quite therapeutic. I can't remember where I first saw this idea, Pinterest probably, but I have been wanting to make these for the longest time. I knew that we probably had a piece of wood in the shop I could use and I had everything else in my craft closet to make these three black cats for my porch! So, a couple of weekends ago I did just that.

{4th Grade UIL tryouts}

A couple of weeks ago Mason had try-outs for UIL. He didn't try-out in third grade and regretted it terribly afterward. So, he was more than anxious and ready when it was time for 4th-grade try-outs. Mason tried out for Oral Reading and Spelling Bee! We already know that he made the UIL spelling bee team, just waiting to hear on the oral reading part. I will update this when we find out! Anyhow, Mason came home from school so excited about the try-outs, so it deserved a post!

{Currently // October edition}

Happy October! One of my favorite months of the whole year!!! Joining Anne in Residence for another round of "Currently". This month we are sharing what we are currently arranginglovingembracingpurchasing, and sharing. I love this link-up and enjoy joining in each month. I hope you'll join as well. 

{Three Things // Fall edition}

It's been a while since I have done a "three things" post. I thought now would be a good time as we are transitioning from summer to back to school to sort of not really fall. Every ounce of my being is ready for fall, but the temps are still in the upper 90s and even reaching triple digits on some days. I am over it. Maybe all of you up north can send some cooler temps down here to Texas? Maybe? Anyhow, here's a three things post.

{This past weekend // Last one in September}

What.a.weekend.it.was. While I love our weekends around here, I am okay with this one being over. It started out with me being sick on Thursday and into Friday and even into Saturday and Sunday. I used a personal day at work on Friday because I was so sick! And then we found out some dear friends of ours died in a motorcycle accident on Saturday. It was just a weekend full of emotions and not feeling well. Anyhow, here's a look at what we did this past weekend.

{Five on Friday // Free Halloween Fonts Pt 2 edition}

Happy Friday! I recently shared 5 free Halloween fonts I love and today I want to share five more! Here are five free Halloween fonts I am loving.

{Target dollar spot haul // fall round up}

Shopping the Target dollar spot {or Bulleye's Playground - not used to that new name yet} is one of my favorite things to do! I especially love it for little touches of decor, coffee mugs, craft projects to do with Mason, etc. I think fall and Christmas time are my favorite times to shop at Target. I can't get over the cuteness! Anyhow, here is my 2019 Target dollar spot fall haul.

{We tried a new church...}

The past two Sundays Nathan, Mason and I visited a new {to us} church. I have really felt the Lord pressing on my heart to give this church a try and, well, we did just that...

{Five on Friday // Free fall fonts edition}

Happy finally Friday! It's been a long week!! Anyone else feel that? Anyhow, since I am font obsessed and have been searching for some fun free fall fonts I thought I would share some of my favorites here on the blog! So here is my Five on Friday free fall fonts edition!!

{Fall Home Tour // 2019}

Fall kicks off my favorite time of year! There is just something special about the "ber" months...those last four of the year!! And my home is my favorite during those months as well. I always start decorating my home for fall in the early days of September so that I can enjoy it for a while. Is it just me, or is fall decor just so warm, welcome and inviting? I love it. With that being said, welcome to our fall home tour...

{Fall porch // 2019}

Decorating my porch for fall is one of my favorite things and I look forward to it each year! I feel like a fall porch is just so welcoming and inviting and well, it just makes my heart happy! Every time I pull up to my home I see my porch and it makes me smile! This year I jumped on the layered rug trend using two rugs I found at Hobby Lobby. And then I just worked my theme around that!

{Board and Brush // Make and Take}

Last Thursday Mason, Michelle and I went to an event at Board and Brush. One Thursday a month all of the shops on the square stay open late (until 8:00pm) for a ladies night. Board and Brush also host a "make and take" event on that night. For $15 bucks you can choose from about 10-15 different things. We have been wanting to try Board and Brush for the longest and this was the perfect opportunity to do so.

{Autumn Bucketlist // 2019}

Let me preface this by saying that I know that the actual first day of fall isn't until September 23rd, but I can't help it...it's all fall up in the Hall casa!!! I just love fall so much and like to enjoy it a little longer. It is my favorite season without a doubt and for a plethora of reasons. I love the sweet little fall family traditions that we have made over the years and look forward to them each time fall rolls around. This year is no different. I got so giddy when making this list because these are some of my favorite activities to do with my sweet family.  I just really wish the Texas weather would get the memo and get on board! It usually doesn't start cooling off until late October for us. But, I do not let that stop me from enjoying all things fall. I mean, inside our home is a cool 67 degrees, so that works for me. Here is our 2019 Autumn bucket list {side note, I like the word autumn better than the word fall}.


This week was homecoming week for us! It's always nice to break free from the school uniforms for a week and have fun themed dress-up days. This year's themes were a little different than they have been in the past and we were here for it!

{Let's look at // my calendar}

This is my first time linking up with the "Let's look at" series! This month we are looking at our calendars! It's no secret that I am a paper loving calendar gal. I've tried so many different calendar apps on my phone, but I just can't. I mean, it would make sense to just use an app since I always have my phone on me. But, I am a paper calendar loving fool!!


I recently shared 15 activities to do with kids while camping. And I wanted to share 15 more. We love camping and finding new things to do with Mason each time. Camping is one of our favorite things to do as a family. It's such a great bonding time!!

{Hall Around Texas Family Fall Traditions}

Traditions. Oh, how I love traditions. They are my jam, for real. Something to look forward each year and such great memories to look back on! In our family, we have all kinds of traditions for each season. I think our Fall and Winter traditions are by far my favorite, though! Below are some of my favorite Fall-time traditions we do as a family...

{Weekend Wrap-up // College football, Projects, Grandparent's Day}

Happy Monday!! We had such a good weekend mixed with just the perfect balance of going and doing and staying at home. Friday evening we had supper with one of my best friends since the 2nd grade and it was so good for my soul. I ran a few errands on Saturday morning and then we stayed home the rest of the day tackling cleaning and home projects. It felt good to get crafty for a bit. Sunday was Grandparent's Day so we spent the first half of the day with family and the second half at home. Monday came all too fast, but we are ready for a new week. Here's a look at our weekend wrap-up. 

{Five on Friday // Mustache, dove hunting, Grand Friends, On Target Time}

Happy Friday! It's always the short weeks that seem to feel the longest. Am I right? I'm just glad it's Friday!! We have a busy, but good weekend ahead of us and I'm ready to get it started. I love spending time with the ones I love most! But for now, a little Five on Friday...

{Annual camping at Mason, TX // Labor Day weekend}

This past weekend was our 5th annual camping trip to Mason, TX for Labor Day weekend. We have been going every Memorial Day and Labor Day with the same group (plus new additions along the way) since Mason was just four years old. And with each trip, we love it more and more. This trip was a little more special because Nate's best friend (& his family) since he was just five years old was able to join us!! They recently bought a camper and Mason TX wasn't too far from them! We were so ecstatic they were able to join us and hope this was just the first trip of many!

{Currently // September edition}

It's time to link up with Anne in Residence for Currently. This month we are sharing what we are currently making, taking, discovering, consuming, and saving. 

{Our first Texas Ranger game of the 2019 season}

The Friday before last a family friend gifted us two tickets to the Ranger game. We hadn't had a chance to attend a game yet and knew we wanted to go to a game since it's the last season at this ballpark! It was the perfect opportunity to do so! Our plan was to go and buy Mason a cheap child's ticket because we didn't think we would sit much anyhow. But, we ended up sitting the entire game and had a blast!!

{A morning spent at Burger's Lake}

Two Saturdays ago was our last one before school started and we knew we wanted to do something special with Mason. One last summer hurrah if you will! We had seen pictures posted by a friend of a placed called Burger's Lake and we knew that would be perfect! Mason is such a water kid and can't get enough!

{First day of FOURTH Grade!!!}

Yesterday was Mason's first day of FOURTH grade! I am still in a bit of denial that 1.) summer is over and 2.) that my sweet little baby is in the 4th grade. Fourth. Mason is at a different campus this year, so we are navigating new waters and learning our new normal. And because of that, I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling nervous/anxious about this day. BUT? It went off without a hitch!! Like, it was pretty perfect.


Monday evening we had our annual meet the teacher night. Up until lunchtime on Monday we had no clue who our teacher would be. It wasn't posted online anywhere at all. And then I thought to look at the new app our district is using this year and low and behold I saw we were added to "Mrs. Snow's" homeroom! We got the teacher we requested! What a blessing that is. We've heard nothing but amazing things about her and we are so grateful to have a year in her class! I should also mention that Mason is at a different campus this year. His last school was only first through third and this campus is fourth & fifth. So, this was all new territory for us to navigate. Mason sort of knew his way around because he would bus to this campus once a week for the gifted and talented program, but he had only seen certain areas of the school.

{Back to school // post round-up}

Every time I scrolled Instagram over the last few weeks I found myself amazed at how many "first day of school" posts I saw. So many districts start back so early! Like August 1st early. And here I am wallowing in my own self-pity that we start back on the 21st, which I feel is way too soon. Long live summer! Since I work at home I get to keep Mason here with me during the summer and I just enjoy my days with him too much to share him with school! But, it's inevitable that school has to start. And because of that, I've rounded up some of my favorite back to school posts.

{Five on Friday // last full week before school}

As much as I tried to pump the breaks on this week, it still flew by in a flash. It was our last full week before school starts and I just wanted it to go by slowly. That didn't happen. But man oh man, we sure did enjoy it. We didn't do a whole lot of anything, but we sure did get in some quality family time. And that? That's my favorite!! Here's a little bit of what we've been up to this week.


It's no secret that we love to go camping around here. I thought since we are basically seasoned pros by now (and I use that term loosely because we are still learning all the camping hacks) I would share some tips here. I've been camping with Nathan's family for almost 23 years now and we've been camping with Mason for 9 years. I figured I would start by compiling a list of camping activities for kids. These are just some of the things we love to do.

{2019 Summer Bucketlist // Update}

Now that school is looming over our heads (next Wednesday for Mason) I figured it was time to do a 2019 Summer Bucketlist update. We had an amazing summer adventuring all over the place and making the best memories! I know there is still a lot of summer left to live here in Texas, so I'm sure I will have another update soon. Here's what we have done so far.

{Hill Country Weekend Getaway}

School may be starting next Wednesday, but we are far from being done with summering!! I mean, technically summer lasts about 6 months in Texas so there is still lots of time for adventures! Yesterday I shared our Hill Country weekend getaway in numbers and today I will share the details.  It was totally last minute, so finding somewhere to camp was quite the chore. But, Nate's parents found us a nice campground only about 25 miles from where we were going to tube the river. And the campgrounds were less than 3 hours from home. Not bad at all!

{Hill Country Weekend Getaway // In Numbers}

This past weekend we decided to have a little weekend getaway to the Texas Hill Country to camp and float the Comal river! And as always with most of our trips, I like to recap in numbers. So, here's our weekend getaway in numbers.


This is the last and final recap of our beach trip...day five, our last full day at the beach. 6 days is all our family could spare this summer when it came to vacation due to work and school schedules.  We chose to go somewhere fairly close so we could make the most of that time. And that we did! Day five was packed to the gills with nothing but goodness. And, it's safe to say that day five was easily Mason's favorite day of the trip! Keep reading to find out why.


In efforts to get my vacation recaps wrapped up, I am combining days 3 & 4! Both days were amazing vacation days!! Here is a look at days three and four of our vacation.

{Currently // August 2019 edition}

I've missed a couple of these, but I'm happy to joining back in with Anne in Residence for Currently. This month we are sharing what we are currently ordering, watching, cooking, wondering, and savoring. 


I'm back to recap day 2 of our summer beach vacation! Again, it was another day of heavy picture taking so I will only share day two today. We all slept in until 9ish and it was glorious. Isn't that what vacation is all about? Staying up late and sleeping in? One of my favorite parts. We knew that we wanted to do some shopping and figured a weekday would be better than a weekend as far as crowds go so we got ready and headed to The Strand (downtown shopping district in Galveston).

Weekend Wrap-up // Floating the Brazos River}

I don't know about you, but I am not a fan of these summer weekends flying by so fast! I feel like I went to bed on Friday and woke up to it being Monday. Summer, please sloooow down! We did have a great weekend, though. Here is our weekend wrap-up.

{Freeport Beach // Summer Vacation Day 1 Recap}

We just returned from an amazing family summer vacation to the beach! We only had 5 short days to spend at the beach, but we made the most of it and packed a lot into our days. And because of that, I am going to recap by the day. Otherwise, it would be a never-ending post. Today is day 1 of the recaps.

{Vacation in Numbers // Freeport, TX}

Hi y'all! I took a little bit of an unexpected break from this space. Work was absolutely crazy the week before vacation and I had zero time to draft any posts! Now I have tons to catch up on. We just got back from a beach vacation and it was pretty amazing!! Today I am going to recap our vacation in numbers.