{Wordless-ish Wednesday - 3.28.12}

Oh how I love these two boys!
The weather has been gorgeous and we spend our evenings outside.
You can bet that no longer than 5 minutes after Daddy gets home Mason is asking for a tractor ride.
It's something Nate can't pass up.
Precious moments.
Sometimes I think of everything I could get done in the 30 min - to an hour that they're out "riding" - but taking pictures of them is so much sweeter!

{Baseball Fever...}

We have baseball fever, yes we do....
We have baseball fever, how about you??

A couple weeks ago we went to my cousin Haley's softball scrimmage and had so much fun!
You could tell how much Mason missed being at the fields.

He kept going to the fence and yelling for Haley.
So cute!

Before we know it Mason will be the one on the field that we're cheering for...
And I can't wait!

Hubbs and I are going to the Ranger's opening day - Friday, April 6th and it can't get here soon enough!!

{Work Visitor}

A couple days ago Mason and Daddy came to visit me at work.
Mason had a blast playing with all the goods on my desk
And left me with lots of new art work.
I think I need to hire him as a full time assistant!
We'd never get anything done. He's too entertaining.

{Embrace the Camera - 3.22.12}

Linking up with Emily for Embrace the Camera

here's the nitty gritty on embrace the camera:
1. take a picture of YOU with your kids, spouse, friends, etc. the point of embrace the camera is to get in front of the camera and to document a bit of yourself.
2. link up your POST, not your blog, that way we can see your embrace post.
3. link back to our blog by a text link or using our button in your post.
4. and lastly, have fun and visit each other!
leave each other lots of love---it's not easy to get in front of the camera---bravo to all of you who join us every week! your family will thank you for it one day :)

The weather has been lovely lately, allowing us have lots of playtime outside.
And that?
Makes my sweet boy so happy!

{Wordless-ish Wednesday}

 I am that Mama...
The one that takes 5-10 of the exact same picture.
And can't delete a single one!


 He's just too darn cute!

Linking up with jenni from the blog

{Some days...}

...just call for splashing in the puddles in your pajamas!!!

{Life via Instagram}


It was a Monday for sure!
Nothing a little tractor ride couldn't "fix".
Followed up withe some Monster Truck watching.


The weather was gorgeous and begged us for:
playing tractors on the porch
scooter rides
and visiting Jake


more playing outside
visiting Nana & Papa's newly "Mason" friendly courtyard


not sure about that face, but I love it
that Monster Truck (the one he calls by the driver's name - Candice Jolly) hardly ever leaves his hands
stuntman Mase
fourwheeler rides


apparently something was very funny!
playing with friends after dinner
more tractor rides
my handsome hubby and I
his face! I promise he wasn't glaring...he was looking back and forth because Daddy was getting the tractor out. haha! He looks mad!
love my sweet boy


morning snuggles with dad
hugging sweet Kynnabug
helping Kynna open her gifts
and more hugs


my hubba hubba
sweet boy on the way to visit Mimi and Papa
sleepy boy fell asleep while helping Daddy mow
wondering who our new neighbors might be!


{Just some random videos}

Love this boy!!!

"I work out"

"Mr Sun"

"Please and Thank You"

{Rainforest Cafe}

Last weekend it was rainy and gloomy so we were looking for something fun to do indoors.
Not sure why, but going to the Rainforest Cafe kept coming to mind.
So that we did!
The first time we took Mason there {his first birthday-ish} he was terrified of the loud Gorilla they sat us right next to. 
We had a feeling he'd love it more now. He's totally into animals and not scared of much.
And it was a success. He had a blast!
When we got there they told us it was an hour and 40 minute wait.
We decided to wait it out...
and glad we did. They came and got us after 25ish minutes.
Everyone else gave up on the wait and left...so we got lucky!
But that gave us enough time to make a "Build -A-Bear" before they called us to our table.
Mason chose a Monkey with a "Jeep" shirt!!

Our food was delicious and the company was great!

So much fun!

I promise his finger is not intentional - he doesn't know that gesture, I assure you!