{Weekend Wrap-up}

Another great weekend under the Hall belt!! I just love our family time. Can't remember what Nathan and I did before Mason. :)

Friday I came home from work with a project in mind - so off to Home Depot and Target we went!! I wanted to make a chalkboard/picture frame to use for Mason's monthly pictures. We got the chalkboard paint at Home Depot and the vintage white picture frame at Target. I can't wait to use it...tomorrow! Tomorrow our baby boy will be 8 weeks!!! YIKES! Where is the time going?!? After making the chalkboard frame we hung out at home and watched the Ranger game. Then Jess, Logan and Molly came over to visit. Molly is new to the Bailey family and oh so cute! Diesel just loved her and was sad when she had to go.

Jess, Logan and Molly

Saturday morning we just hung out for a bit. I did some cleaning/organizing while Mason and Daddy slept in a bit. Then we got ready and headed into town. We ate at Quiznos and then met my sister and Tanner at the Feed Store. Then they came over and hung out. Once Scooter got off work the boys wanted to work on their project, a potato gun! So off to Home Depot again we went! We just hung out the rest of the evening and they eventually got a working potato gun! Boys and their toys.

Sunday we went to eat at Javier's (we do this almost every Sunday morning) with the Halls. After breakfast Nate mowed the lawn while Mason and Momma took a nap!! We just hung out the rest of the evening and visited the Halls. Nathan and Ty played with the Potato gun a little more. They were having so much fun!

Good ol' iPhone pictures!!

{Sweet Savannah}

Last week Mason got to hang out with his friend Savannah for a bit. I wish I would have gotten pictures before he got hungry!! But these are cute nonetheless!!!

Oh and by the way, Savannah is a couple months older than Mason....but he's almost her size!

{More Bathtime Fun}

I meant to post this before the Friday post, oops! Owell.

Mason, last night bathtime was a little different. Your aunt Leslie and your cousin Tanner helped!! Tanner was having so much fun. It was a great time. And you enjoyed it too, as always!

{Finally Friday}

Friday, I think I love you!!! Now, if 4:30 would just hurry and get here I'd love you more! I can't wait to go home and be with my boys. Mason, Daddy is home with you for the 2nd Friday. You have already fallen asleep in his arms and even slept in your crib for a bit! Here are the pictures Daddy sent today:

This next picture surprises me because you hardly ever take a pacifier. I am sure you spit it out shortly after this picture :)

{Things I love}

Mason, these are just a few things that I love...

Your smile
The way you stretch
The way you cuddle with me when you sleep
How you cup your hands together as if you are in prayer, when you sleep
How you love the outdoors
The sounds you make when you eat
The way you kick your legs in the bathtub and splash water
Giving you a bath
Cuddling with you in the mornings
Your lips
Your eyes
Your smell
Your everything!!!

{Christmas in July}

Mason, you hit the jackpot this week baby! A family friend that has a 2.5 year old baby boy passed down all of his clothes to us. They are the cutest little outfits ever and in sizes now to 18 months. We got a ton, too. Most of the brands are Carters, The Children's Place, Polo, Old Navy, etc. They are outfits like your daddy wears. You are going to be stylin'. I can't wait to see you in them! Mommy has started washing them and will work on organizing your room this weekend! I am beyond excited.

{7 Weeks}

Where is the time going? And would it pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee slow down? Our baby boy was 7 weeks old this past Tuesday - 7-13-2010.

Mason, you are still VERY spoiled!
You are holding your head up more and getting stronger every day.
You are smiling more and more.
Nana is still watching you during the week while Mommy and Daddy work.
Nana spoils you!
You still sleep in the bed with mommy and daddy. And you sleep really good! Thank you sweet baby boy!
You still love your baths, and mommy can't help but take pictures almost every single time!
You are growing out of most of your newborn clothes and even some 0-3 months. You have worn a few 3 month onesies, too. Mostly the Carter's Brand.
You still love to be held and cannot be put down during the day.
You are spoiled!
You are eating 4 ounces every 2 - 2.5 hours during the day, and only nurse at night.
You have the cutest little lips, but mommy can't handle your pouting lip!
You still love to be outside (can't wait until the Fall)
You met two of your friends; one being 22 days older and 1 being 1 week younger and you outweigh them by pounds!!
You are a growing boy and momma loves it!
We are still practicing with the swing, bouncer, bumbo seat and walker. Bits at a time. You seem to get bored easily (like mommy). So we have to walk around with you.
Did I mention you were spoiled?

I love you, my lil chunkster!

I love all of your faces :)

AND, I love to watch you and your daddy together

Weekend Wrap-up

Well, we had another really great weekend. I love having a little family to enjoy the weekends with!

Friday when I got home Nathan had Mason dressed in all Rangers gear, and he looked adorable!!!

Friday night we went with the Hall's and the Welskopf's to Javier's in Ferris Texas. It was a really great time. We didn't get to hang out much afterwards because it was already Mason's bedtime. He gets really cranky if we keep him up past 9pm. AND he is spoiled to our bed and will not sleep anywhere else. Oh, and mommy has to be right there beside him too. But I am not complaining one bit. I love cuddling with my sweet baby boy!!

Saturday morning was a big day for Mason! He sat in his Bumbo seat for the very first time, and he is only 6 weeks 4 days old (at that time). He did really good and seemed to even like it. He just looked around and smiled. We just wanted to test it and see how he would do. His head was still a little wobbly, but not too bad. Look how cute he is!!

After hanging out at the house for a bit we took Mason to Oma's for the first time. We wanted them to meet our Mason!! Oma's is one of those good "home" feeling types of places. Makes me happy we live in a fairly small town!! Jimmy (owner) wasn't there when we first got there, but did end up coming in later. He met Mason and offered to sponsor his little league team when he's older. Nate said, "I'm going to hold you to that" and Jimmy said, "I give you my word, you've paid your dues in here".  How cool!!!

 After eating at Oma's we went to visit the Halls and hang out for a bit. Then it was time to head to Irving for John & Nicole's bridal shower. After the shower Aunt Leslie, Uncle Scooter, and cousin Tanner came over to hang out. The boys tinkered around with the FJ while Leslie and I took pictures of Mason!!! They all came out really good and I love them. So, get ready for LOTS of pictures!!!

Sunday was another big day for Mason! He got to meet two of his friends for the first time. Erik and Tiffany brought their son Easton over and Chase and Barb brought Kinley!! They are both sooooo tiny compared to Mason (you'll be able to tell in the pictures below). It was so great to visit them and catch up!! Too bad Trent & Krista & Kloe couldn't come, bummer! We'll all have to all get together sometime soon.

Our big boy!!

The Beautiful Kinley Reese (love love love her hair)

And the Oh SO Adorable Easton Bradley:

Easton, Mason, Kinley
It's so awesome that we all have babies around the same age!! I am so happy to have joined the "mommy club"!!!
Kinley - born May 3rd
Easton - born June 1st
Mason - born May 25th

Tiffany & Easton, Barb & Kinley, Mommy & Mason
(Love these girls, and the babies too)

And the daddies:
Erik & Easton, Chase & Kinley, Nate & Mason
(these boys all grew up together)

We have been blessed with such great friends!!