{Instagram Round-up}

Instagram is hands-down my favorite form of social media. I've always been a picture person and love seeing peeks into the daily lives of my friends {and so many strangers too! ha}. If you're not currently following me my user name is :


Leave me your Instagram username in the comments so that I can make sure I am following you! 

Some things I've posted lately...

Ipsy Glam Bag day yesterday:

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

My little man loves books! I went to the library yesterday to stock up on some books and didn't know that we'd also get our Scholastic Book Fair books in that day as well. 24 books from Scholastic and 14 from the library! That should last us a couple of days. :)

I have the cutest Fall decorations just sitting in a bag waiting to decorate my porch! But, it's hard to justify Fall decorations when it's still hitting the 90's. Sigh.

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

A celebratory picture after Mason had a really, REALLY great day at school on Monday.

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

Books upon books upon books upon books. 

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

We've recently started dabbling into Geocaching. It's so much fun and Mason enjoys it. I love that it's something we can do together as a family.

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

Our most recent trip to the Hill Country. Posts here and here.

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

My best friend & soulmate & that beard...

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

Dove hunting season!

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

Red day at school!

New read. Still haven't finished it.

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

{Dreaming of Fall}

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A few weeks ago Mason and I went to our downtown area to take some pictures of Mason. When we were leaving I found a few red leaves and it filled my soul with so much happiness. A little piece of Fall smack dab in the middle of Summer. A little promise of what is to come. So naturally it made me start dreaming of Fall. It's my favorite time of year and I can't help it. I just wish that we had a bit of a longer Fall here in Texas. It's short...just like our Winter & Spring. I try to soak up as much of it as I can. Fall just does something to my soul.

What are some of your favorite things about Fall? I've listed some of mine below...

+ the refresh/renewal in my spirit that comes with the change of the season
+ cooler air
+ bonfires & s'mores
+ sweaters, boots & scarves
+ crockpot meals
+ baking all the fall things
+ college football
+ fall smells in the scentsy
+ going to the pumpkin patch
+ camping
+ decorating my porch for fall
+ buying pumpkins
+ decorating/carving pumpkins
+ strolling through the fall aisles at hobby lobby,walmart & target
+ pumpkin everything
+ playing outside without completely melting
+ friday night lights
+ suppers on the porch
+ carnivals and fairs
+ hayrides
+ candy corn
+ mums
+ flannels
+ movie nights/cuddling on the couch with cozy blankets

What are your favorite things about Fall?


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Life has been absolutely crazy {and hard} lately and blogging has taken a back seat to the chaos. There's so much going on and quite honestly my mind has just been elsewhere. 

On Friday {9/4} my mom came home sick from work. She said that she just felt like she had the flu. And then she started getting hives {and swelling} on her legs and had shooting pains...so then her mind went to shingles. Finally on Wednesday 9/9 Mom went to the doctor. The dr started examining her and her vitals were crazy. She was showing signs of a possible heart attack, diabetes, anemia, and a couple of others I can't remember. The doctor sent her straight to the ER. They did more testing there and everything came back okay except her thyroid. She was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism/Thyrotoxicosis.  We were actually a bit relieved when we learned of this. It's treatable and most of the time manageable. But, what we didn't realize is that mom had just gone through a Thyroid Storm and how serious it was. It caused mom to have a very enlarged heart and her body was basically shutting down. Thankfully she got to the hospital when she did and started being treated. She's now on heart medication, thyroid medication, an antibiotic and anxiety medication. The doctor said that she would be fine as long as she is taking these medications until she can see an endocrinologist. She didn't show any signs of cancer in her thyroid, but will need more extensive testing to rule it out for sure. She's at the endocrinologist right now and we should know more after this appt. We would appreciate any and all prayers you would be willing to lift up for us.

And...Mason is having trouble in school. This is another post for another time...but he is having issues with following directions, talking too much, and not listening. My sweet little five year old got a referral on the 15th day of Kindergarten! This mama heart is shattered!

Anyhow...I thought a currently post would be a good post for today! It's been forever since I have blogged. 

Watching >> Football...tis the season!

Looking forward to >> trips coming up! Round top the first of October, then maybe a trip to Winstar with the group we camp with at Labor/Memorial Day, camping at JellyStone for their Fall Fiesta, The pumpkin patch at Mainstay Farms, The Polar Express at the Texas State Railroad in November, and camping at Beaver's Bend in December. There are a few others in the works, but these are a for sure! 

Feeling >> stressed, sick, tired, heartbroken

Laughing at >> not a lot lately. I mean, Mason is funny all the time...but things have just been hard lately. Not to be a debbie downer, just being honest.

Listening to >> Soul on Fire by Third Day.  

Planning >> So many trips {see "looking forward to"}

Enjoying >> All of the family time we have had lately. With just our little family of three, and with both my side of the family and Nates. Just love it. Mason was grounded from all electronics this weekend due to his behavior at school and we seriously had a great weekend. We went out to supper on Friday and had the best one we've had in a while! 

Dreading >> news. lots and lots of news. But praying for the absolute best. 

Wanting >> for mom to get good news from the endocrinologist and management for her illness and for her to just feel better, and for Mason to have a good day at school. 

Encouraged by >> The bible, She Reads Truth, First 5 app and sweet sweet friends!

What are you currently up to?

{Road Trippin' to the Texas Hill Country}

This past weekend we road tripped it to the Hill Country for our annual Labor day weekend camping trip in Mason, TX. This has become one of our favorite camping spots and weekends, without a doubt. We had 40+ people in our group this time and over 11 campers. Such an amazing group of people! During the day we all split off into smaller groups and do all kinds of things; golfing, shopping in Fredericksburg, Luckenbach, museums, LBJ Ranch, Johnson City, etc. and then in the evenings we all come back together for supper and fellowship followed by all kinds of games. This year it was bean bags, egg toss, waterballoon toss, bocce ball, silly string fights and geocaching! So much fun. I really need to get better about documenting this trip and our evening festivities...but we are just so busy being there and visiting!

{Pedernales Falls in Johnson City, TX}

This past weekend for our annual Labor Day weekend trip to the hill country Nathan, Mason and I checked another item off of our Texas Bucketlist!! We went to Pedernales Falls in Johnson City, TX. Every time we are in the Fredericksburg area we say that we are going to go to Pedernales, but have never made it until now. I am so glad we did! It was a neat place. 

The state park is nestled back pretty good in the hills and offers a nice scenic drive. Right then I knew it was going to be awesome. I will be honest and say that the campsites themselves are nothing special, but the park itself was beautiful. We didn't get to see the swimming/waterhole because it was so crowded {holiday weekend} and there was absolutely no where to park. We've seen pictures on the internet, though and it looks pretty cool. 

We did make it to Pedernales Falls, though! It's about a 400 foot hike to the falls, but it was so worth it. There is a lookout area where you can see all of the huge slabs of limestone and the water and then there is steps to go down even further to the slabs. Nate's parents stayed at the lookout area while Nathan, Mason, Nate's brother & his girlfriend and I went down to climb all of the rocks and see it up close. GORGEOUS. Such pretty views! 

These pictures do it no justice!

Do you have a bucketlist for your home state? 

{It's the Little Things}

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This past Sunday Nathan took Mason to the Ranger game and they had the best time. It was a 2:05 game, but they left early so that they had plenty of play time. Nathan planned on grabbing them lunch and then taking him to the kidzone area at the ballpark to play. They had planned on grabbing Subway {which is right across the street from the ballpark} and in the same parking lot they were having a Fireman challenged. They got to watch that for a while before grabbing their lunch and venturing over to the ballpark. 

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Nate took Mason to the kidzone area as soon as they got in. Mason had a blast! Then Nate treated him to ice cream and cotton candy and they watched a few innings of the game before they headed back over to kidzone. 

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It fills my heart with so much joy that they got this time together. Sure I was lost without them...but I couldn't have been more happier either. Mason and I get a lot of one on one time due to Nate's work schedule and location. So anytime they get some times to themselves just makes me smile from the inside out. 

And Nate told us that it has always been a dream of his to take his son to Ranger game some day. 

I melt. Completely. 

Sadie Sky Boutique

{Guys Behind the Blog // August edition}

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To say that I am behind on blogging is an understatement! Life just kind of took off these last few weeks. Linking up with Betsy at Heavens to Betsy for one of my favorite link-ups "Guys Behind the Blog"

1 // Share a funny wedding story with us - it could be from your own or one you attended. 

I almost died of heat stroke because I wanted to keep the giant pair of panties up my sleeve until I pulled the garter off.

{To elaborate a bit...Nathan thought it would be hilarious to stuff a giant pair of granny panties in his sleeve and pull them out when we went in for the garter. Well, my genius of a husband put them in his sleeve before our wedding even begun. And then had to keep his jacket on in the August heat outside until time for the garter toss. He was sweating buckets. I think the joke was really on him! hahahahaha}

2 // On the topic of love, who was your childhood crush?  

Probably Diana Elwell in elementary school.  I always went for the older women.

{I'm 11 months older than Nathan and he always gives me a hard time about that.}

3 // What is your top love language? What is your significant other's love language? 

I don’t even know what the heck this means.  English I guess, I am pretty straight forward.

{I have no words. I told him to google "love language" and he still didn't get it. Lord have Mercy!}

4 // How did you meet your significant other?  

A mutual friend in High school.

{See our love story here Part 1. Part 2, Part 3, Part 4}

5 // If you're engaged or married, how did you propose? If you're not, how did you ask your girl out?

 We were lying in bed one Saturday morning and I just asked her to marry me without a ring.  Once I had the ring I got down on one knee in the living room.  Not very romantic but it was a nice ring.  ;)

Previous Guys Behind the Blog Posts here, here, and here

{Our 9th wedding anniversary // date}

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This past Tuesday Nathan and I celebrated 9 wonderful years of marriage. {November 1st will be 19 total years!} This past Saturday Nate's mom kept Mason so that we could have a day date for our anniversary. Usually we go out of town {trip to Gruene here} for a weekend, but this year it just happened to fall on the weekend before school started. We didn't want to put any stress on the weekend and wanted it to be a smooth transitional time so we just decided to stay here and visit a little town about an hour and 15 minutes away. We went to Granbury, TX. We got there around 11:30 and neither Nate or I were hungry so we walked around the square and visited all of the shops. It was so nice to be able to take our time and just enjoy our time and each other's company. We found a few things for our gallery wall, a couple letter "H's" for another gallery wall we are starting and a heart shaped rock for Mason. 

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After walking the square we ate at the Fillin Station. They had amazing onion rings. Nathan tried a beer from a local brewery, but just couldn't do it. He said that it tasted like it was poured out of a rubber boot. ha. We're clearly not beer drinkers. 

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After lunch we went to some more antique shops, drove around the lake and then headed into Glen Rose, TX for a bit. On the way back home Nate took me to Hobby Lobby {ours doesn't open until September} because he knew that I wanted to get some things for Mason's teacher for the first day of school. Goodness, I love that man. I could have spent hours in there, but wrapped up the shopping in an hour. I didn't want to push it since he was taking me to a Hobby Lobby on our date night! haha. But really, it doesn't matter where we are as long as we are together. That's what is most important to us.

After Hobby Lobby we went to get a snowcone at Bahama bucks. We don't have one anywhere near us and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. We are still trying to figure that out. That place doesn't hold a candle to our local snowcone place. 

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After snowcones we headed back home to get our boy! We were both missing him something fierce. We wanted to include him in our date night so we picked him up and went to dinner, got ice cream and then had a movie night in our bed! It was so nice to end our date with the one thing that completes us both! I just love my sweet little family!

It was the perfect day/night.

{It's the Little Things // Heart Shaped Rock}

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Nathan and I went out this past weekend for a date on Saturday {post on that coming} to celebrate our 9th year wedding anniversary. We went to a town about an hour and 15 minutes away and walked the town square and had lunch. While we were in one of the boutiques Nathan found a basket full of heart shaped rocks and suggested that we get one for Mason. His thoughts were that we could give it to him the night before Kindergarten and tell him that if he starts to miss us he can touch the heart in his pocket and know that we are always there with him. 

So we picked out the best one that we could find and brought it home. We gave it to him on Sunday and he LOVED it. He said "Awww, I love it!" Nathan and I both kissed the heart for him.

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He put it in his pocket the morning of his first day and off we went. While in his classroom I was busy putting all of his supplies away and I didn't notice, but Nate said that Mason kept his hand in his pocket where that heart was. 

I melt. 

Linking up with Jess for It's the Little Things.

Sadie Sky Boutique

{Mason's first day of Kindergarten}

Mason started Kindergarten yesterday. My sweet little baby started Kindergarten. 


And don't let his little face in the picture above fool you. While he looks terrified and sad he wasn't. He was ready. This was part of his prayer the night before school {the word that cuts off is "tomorrow"} also, there is no picture only sound.

I couldn't write this post yesterday...I just couldn't. I was doing good enough to work. My mind was elsewhere. And I knew that writing this post would just push me over the edge. But, now here I sit in an empty house...Nate is back to work...Mason is at school...Diesel is sleeping and it's just me. Just me sitting here thinking that maybe saving this post for today was not the best idea after-all. It's quiet. The emptiness is creeping in with a vengeance and I am all out of sorts. I just cranked up praise and worship music over the bluetooth speaker to void the quiet. Surely that will help. 


Yesterday was Mason's first day of Kindergarten and according to him it was AWESOME!! Nathan took the day off {goodness I love that man} so that he could go with me to drop him off and pick him up as well. Nathan works 45 minutes from home and usually van pools with a bunch of guys from the plant. He leaves the house before 5am so it's always been me to take and pick up Mason from school. The morning went great! We were up and ready with an excited little 5 year old and out of the door with plenty of time to spare. On the way to school Mason mentioned a few times that he was nervous. We reminded him about his little heart in his pocket {more on that tomorrow} and that there was nothing to be nervous about. We got to school around 7:10 and Mason was ready to go in!! We made him wait until 7:15 before getting out of the car. Only to walk up and find out that they do not open the doors until 7:30. We knew that breakfast started at 7:30, but no clue that you couldn't get in before then. So we waited in the foyer of the school for 15 minutes. Just enough time to let all of the Mama worry and fear creep in. 

Mason didn't want breakfast so we went straight to his classroom. We helped him get settled, gave his teacher his gift and put away all of his supplies. He let us take some pictures and then we said our goodbyes. He did GREAT and we were so proud. Nathan and I drove home in mostly silence. We were both feeling all of the same feels, so no words were necessary. 

His teacher sent out a picture text that afternoon and it immediately made me feel better. Just knowing a tiny part of his day makes me breathe a little easier. I ran outside where Nate was {mowing} and showed him the picture. I could see a sign of relief across his face, too. 

And surprisingly, the day went by super fast. We left a little early to go get him because we had no idea how the pick up lines were going to go. So glad we did. We were about 15 cars back, but there were tons behind us! We have a car tag and they announce on the speaker which kid is ready for pickup and then a teacher or adult walks them out. Mason's teacher walked him to our car and put him inside! And we were on our way.

Mason was was all smiles and said he had a great day! He was ecstatic that we brought Diesel with us!!  He adores his teacher and is excited to have his own locker. And it's his very favorite color, too {red}. 

Praying that day two is just as good.

{Getting ready for Kindergarten}

I talked a little {or a lot} on this post about being in denial about Kindergarten. Well, now that I am out of that funk it's time to get prepared. Making a list of all I need to do before Monday!!

+ get Mason a haircut
+ finish getting his supplies {kleenex, wipes and ziplocs}
+ pack his bag with all of his supplies
+ send box tops for education with Mason on Monday
+ iron his uniform{s}
+ work on a 'back to school' teacher gift
+ make Mason's back to school chalkboard sign
+ work on tying his shoes
+ get some Kindergarten books to read Sunday night
+ wake up extra early on Saturday and Sunday {blah} to get ready for school
+ talk about manners/following directions/etc.
+ pack Mason's lunch Sunday night
+ put money into his online account in case he wants to buy lunch one day
+ sign all of the paperwork
+ print out the picture of Mason and his teacher to give to her

If you have an ideas for a back to school gift for his teacher send them my way! Are your kids starting school on Monday too?

{Kindergarten meet the teacher // this is really happening}

So, last night was meet the teacher.


This is really happening...whether I am ready or not. 

I have been in a huge funk and denial stage for the last couple of weeks. I just can't believe my sweet little baby is old enough for Kindergarten. A big boy status that comes with a big boy school. I've had to just put it out of my head because if not I would just end up crying and being sad. I am not sure that being in denial was any better, because hello I still have a ton of prepping to do. But, it worked. I was able to enjoy my last days of summer with Mason without being a sad & crying mess.  I mean, all of those what if questions flooded my brain every minute of every day, but I didn't let that outwardly show. 


I did have one little breakdown yesterday about 20 minutes before we left. I knew that I needed to let it out before we left {& before I put on my makeup}. Nathan wrapped me up in a hug and that's all it took before the tears were flowing. I told him, "I'm just not ready." {Mason was in the living room watching tv and we were in the bedroom. I wouldn't have broken down in front of him!} I let the tears fall as they needed and then I sucked it up, put on my excited face and got Mason ready.


On the way to the school I wrote on my FB "Heading to Kindergarten meet the teacher. Lord hold me." and you know what? He did just that. He carried me through the whole night and he brought me the peace that I so desperately needed. And He had this the whole entire time. His hands have been all over this Kindergarten thing from the very beginning. And I feel just silly for worrying. We were referred a teacher by so many different people. So, we requested her by letter right after our Kindergarten registration. She's the #1 requested Kinder teacher so I wanted to get my request in fast! And then I saw on FB a week or so ago that she was just named "Teacher of the Year!" and my heart so fiercely hoped that Mason would get her. She just felt like the perfect fit for us. We walked into the school last night and found the Kindergarten classroom lists. I didn't search by Mason's name. I looked for Mrs. Hodges and then his name and IT WAS THERE!! Praise the Lord, we got the teacher we requested. And instantly I was feeling so much better. And you know what else? Mason's little best friend since he was one is in his class too. And while that may bring trouble later {two five year old boys that are best friends in the same class is bound to be trouble. I can imagine all the mischief they will get into together} I think it will make the transition so much easier for both of them. And that makes my heart so happy. 

We found Mason's desk and the mounds of paperwork they wanted us to fill out. I will never understand how they expect a mother that is in this state of mind to fill out that paperwork on that night. And nevermind that it's the same paperwork I filled out at registration. ha. I couldn't concentrate for anything. Anyhow, his teacher came over to meet everyone and tell a bit about herself. We could immediately tell why she was so highly recommended and given the title teacher of the year. She got us {yes even me} excited for the school year! Mason and his best bud mosied around the room looking at things. I eventually {about 25 minutes later} filled out 3 of the papers and brought the rest home so that I could concentrate on them! We took some pictures and were on our way.

In the hallway we saw the principal {who seems so awesome and so loving with the kids} and we were pre-warned that he was an OU fan so Mason went up to him and told him Boomer Sooner! Score! He's already a principal favorite. The family chatted with him a bit and before we left he said...

"We will take good care of him!" 

That is like Heaven to a mama's ears, I tell you.


Mason is super excited about his teacher. And I sense a little crush, too. He keeps saying over and over "I can't believe I have a teacher of the year" and has now declared that when he's bigger he wants to be "A teacher of the year". Not just any teacher, but teacher of the year! And he's uber excited that his best friend is in his class, too. 

All I can say is Thank you Jesus. Thank you. Feeling so grateful right now.

“May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He turn His face towards you and give you peace”.

(Numbers 6:24-26)