(Praying for our teachers}

As I mentioned before, there are so many little worries and anxieties that fill a mama's heart at the start of each new school year. I shared recently that I wanted to hand those worries and anxieties over to God and shared some Prayers for Back to School. Today I wanted to share some prayers I have been praying over Mason's new teachers and previous teachers. I think it's so important to remember our teachers and to cover them in prayer daily. The magnitude of their job cannot be measured, the least {and greatest} thing we can do is pray for them. These people pour into the heart, soul and mind of our children day in and day out. As a mama there is nothing more precious than someone that pours into your child. It brings me to tears. They are there with them when we cannot be. They are right there along side us shaping them into amazing little people. Mason has truly been blessed with the most amazing teachers in Pre-K, Kinder and First and I pray that continues with 2nd grade. Today I am sharing 8 prayers for teachers.

{Meet the Teacher // 2nd Grade}

Last Thursday Mason's entourage - Nana, Papa, Uncle T-Ty, Nate and I {aka, best support system ever} headed to Mason's school for Meet the Teacher night. No matter how many times we do this whole 'meet the teacher' gig, I will never get used to it. I end up a ball of nerves and in tears every single time. I can't help it! Time goes by so fast and I can't believe how much my boy is growing. Sometimes by the minute. And I just pray that Mason's teachers are a good fit for him. This boy is so special to me and my prayer is that they see in Mason what I see in him. Underneath the talking 24/7 he's an amazing little guy with a heart as big as Texas. He loves to learn, but hate's paperwork. Anyhow, meet the Teacher 2017 went great and we left feeling good and ready for the year!

{New Mexico Vacation // Days 6 & 7}

In efforts to finish up these New Mexico vacation posts {taking me forever} I am combining days 6 and 7. We packed so much into our week in New Mexico and I took too many pictures. Makes it hard to recap because it's overwhelming. Anyhow, on day 6 we visited the quaint little town of Lincoln and on day 7 we made our way around Ruidoso. Both were pretty enjoyable days.

{The Daily Dime // A Day In the Life // August 2017}

Time for another round of The Daily Dime - A Day in the Life. I really enjoyed writing this post last month and the month before and think these posts will be fun to look back on at a later time. It's amazing how much a day in our lives can change depending on the season or time of year. Here is a look at a day in our life...

{Prayers for the new school year}

Prayers for Back to School - Hall Around Texas

As the new school year approaches I often find myself praying over Mason, his teachers and his school. I pray that he loves his new teacher, that he is able to get his lunchbox off of his backpack, that he easily makes new friends, that he adjusts well to the new schedule and routine, etc. There are so many worries and anxieties that come along with a new school year and I just want to hand those all over to God through prayer. Today I am sharing 10 of those prayers with you.

{New Mexico Vacation // Day 5}

Day five in New Mexico was a busy, but fun one. We packed a lot into this day. But not before enjoying an awesome breakfast at camp and a sweet little hummingbird that kept visiting.

{Little Letters // Vol. 8}

It's the 2nd Friday of the month which means it's time to link up with Kristin at Taz and Belly for Little Letters!! Every month I love this link-up a little more. To read my past Little Letters click H E R E. It feels so good to get these random little thoughts out of my mind each month! Here are my letters for this month...

{Back to School // A Link-up}

How is it already August and only 13 days until school starts? If I am being honest, we have been in a bit of denial. And we still kind of are. I've barely bought any school uniforms and not all of his supplies are bought...because again...denial! I love summer time and not having to share my sweet boy with school. But, I need to suck it up and start getting excited for my boy. The first day of school will be here before we know it. Even if I am not excited about school starting I am excited to join some of my sweet blog friends for the Back to School - First Day of School - a Link-up. I mean, what is cuter than all of those back to school pictures?

{10 on the 10th // 10 back to school must haves}

This month's theme for the 10 on the 10th link-up party is 10 Back to School Must Haves. When I was younger I used to love back to school shopping and now I love to do it for Mason. Mason wears uniforms to school so shopping for clothes isn't so exciting. However, he can where whatever shoes he wants as well as any backpack or lunchbox. I let him pick those out on his own.

{The Kids Behind the Blog // August}

Time for the August edition of The Kids Behind the Blog. If you're new to the blog and not really sure what this link-up is all about you can read all about it here. Basically we provide you with 5-7 questions to ask your kid(s) each month. Then you blog about it and come back here to link-up. My co-hosts and I love to hear the things that kids say and that's why this link-up was born! Here are Mason's answers for this month...

{Month in numbers & One Sentence a Day // July}

I've never really considered myself a numbers kind of person, but man do I love tracking our months in numbers! It's a fun way to look at all the things you did throughout the month. Here is a look at our July in numbers...we were on vacation for the first 7 days of the month.

{TBB Asks // August}

The sweet ladies at The Blended Blog have created another round of this or that questions and I thought it would be fun to join in. I missed the last one, so I was excited to get to do this one. Here are my answers..

{New Mexico Vacation // Day 4}

One of the best parts about recapping a vacation is going through all of the photos and reliving all of the moments! We made so many awesome memories in New Mexico and packed so much into those 7 days that we were there. Vacations are good for the soul. Today I am recapping day 4 of our vacation. It was easily one of my favorite days of our trip!

{New Mexico Vacation // Day 3}

Day three of our New Mexico vacation gets is own post because I took so many pictures! It was a busy, but really good day for us. We were blessed with the opportunity to watch horse races at Ruidoso Downs in the Jockey Club. Nate's mom's friend's dad works in the Jockey Club and he got all 12 of us in for the day. The horse races was not something we had planned on doing, but we were excited for the opportunity.

{What we're Reading // Vol. 8}

We're back for our eighth edition of "What We're Reading"! Thank you to all you that have linked up with us thus far. It's been fun to see what everyone else is reading each month. My book list is now never ending and I love it. I've recently rekindled my love for reading. I thought I loved a good paperback book, but it's proving easier to read on the Kindle app on my phone. Here is a look at what we are reading this month.

{Ten things I am bad & good at}

My friend Dara at Not in Jersey recently posted about 10 things she was good at and 10 things she was not good at. I thought it would be fun to join in with her. I have to say, it was much easier coming up with the things I am bad at than it was the things I am good at! The last three things on my good list took me forever to come up with. ha! It's true that we are always our own worst critic, huh? Anyhow, here is my list...

{New Mexico Vacation // Days 1 and 2}

Hey hey hey! I am finally starting to document our New Mexico vacation! A trip to the mountains was just what my soul needed. We had so much fun. Although we packed so much into the trip we really did have a relaxing time. I think the mountains just do that to you. And it's a much slower pace of living. And maybe the fact that we could actually be outside without feeling like we were melting or suffocating! I think I was most looking forward to the lower temps and the lower humidity, and well, NM did not disappoint. When it was 20 % humidity in NM it was like 88% in Texas. Such a major difference. Coming home was like a big slap in the face. Anyhow, here are days 1 and two of our New Mexico vacation.

{Five on Friday // Bible, Farmluck, Snow Cones, Dieting}

Happy Friday! It has been almost a month since I have written a Five on Friday post. Y'all...it has been so dang busy around these parts! First was vacation {gone for 10 days}, then I came back to the Photobucket fiasco {I've already updated 136 blog posts and counting}, trying to catch up on Bible studies {personal, study with my girlfriends, Wednesday nights at church, and Sunday school}, going through the 1400+ photos I took while on vacation, trying to get the house back in order, etc. And then this week Nate's Step Grandfather was taken by ambulance to the hospital for low oxygen levels, Nathan had jury duty all week, my sister lost her father in law, and a family friend's 11 year old was diagnosed with the mumps. His family went on vacation with us and the kid and Mason played together a lot. I had to contact Mason's doctor to see if she wanted him to come in. But, he's fully vaccinated and the incubation period would have been towards the end of our vacay {and the kid left 2 days before us} so we should be in the clear. Whew! Other than all  of that, life has been pretty dang grand over here. Nathan and I have had a bunch of unexpected date nights {Praise Jesus, Hallelujah} and we've had a ton of family time. We are trying to soak up every last drop of summer and making so many memories. We hope to squeeze in a few more little adventures before school starts back. One of these days I will be able to answer emails and  I will blog about our vacation and all of the other little things we have done! But for today it's a Five on Friday...a little bit of what we've been up to this week.

{The Guys Behind the Blog // July}

Time for the Guys Behind the Blog - July edition!! We are still focusing on summertime questions this month. I love getting to feature Nate on the blog each month and always look forward to his answers! Most of the time I can predict exactly how he would answer them and sometimes he totally surprises me. Here are his answers for July's edition of The Guys Behind the Blog.

{Sweet Summertime 2017 // Vol. 3}

Time for another summer 2017 photo dump! I hope you are having the most incredible summer ever. We are counting down days until vacation, but enjoying those days in between something fierce.