{Jeep Around Texas // Chill Zero // Monthly Meet}

 We had our monthly Jeep night at Chill Zero yesterday and it went well! Once again, we had an amazing turnout. The parking lot was full of Jeeps from the time the meet started until well after. It's always such a good time with the Jeep community. Jeeps, Tacos, and Ice Cream...what more could you want?

{Mason's 11 year well check appointment}

 Mason had his 11 year well check appointment yesterday. We had to see a nurse practitioner because our pediatrician didn't have any available appointments for months! Nate said she was great, though! I stayed home because I was working and covering another desk. He was great to send me pictures and information! He knows this Mama needs that! 

{Hot Springs, AR with Wicked Trendz Jeep Club}

 We joined our  Jeep family for a weekend at Hot Springs and had a total blast! We absolutely love this group and love spending time with them. We got to the park early Friday afternoon and jumped almost immediately on some trails! But not before a group prayer...

{Mason's 11th birthday party}

 For the 2nd year in a row, we had a joint birthday party for Mason and his cousin Jaxon. Their birthdays are within a couple weeks of each other, so it's just easier to get the family together for one party. They both opted for another swim party at my parent's house. 

{Mason's Lego Rubicon}

 Mason got a Lego Rubicon Jeep for his birthday! I'm not sure who was more excited, his dad & I or him! I think this was the toughest Lego he has built, but he conquered it! It is just about the coolest Lego I have ever seen!


{Our Jeep family came to our church!!}

 One of our Jeep family members had a birthday over the weekend and his wish was to have friends join him at church. And you know our Jeep family delivered!! They just so happen to go to the same church as us, so that was perfect. I can't tell you how amazing it was to fill up a whole row at our church and to be in the Lord's house with our Jeep family!  

{Ellis County Jeep Meet with a side of sunset}

 One of our local Jeep groups meets on the first Thursday of every month. It's usually at a restaurant so we can eat together and then hang out in the parking lot after! Our June meet was at Ellis County Barbeque in Midlothian. While we were in the parking lot chatting, the sun began to set in the most magnificent colors! My best friend Keri and I took the opportunity for a photoshoot! 

{A spring sunset}

 If you know anything about me by now, you know that I love sunsets. I will forever be that girl chasing sunsets and photographing them the best way I know how! I mean, look how pretty! God is so gracious to give us such beauty all around us. 

{Camping in Abilene for Memorial Day Weekend}

 We spent Memorial Day weekend camping with friends and family in Abilene, TX. One of Mason's requests for his birthday was to go camping, so his awesome Nana and Papa made that happen! Our friends were already camping in Abilene and were so kind to let us join them! 

{Mason's 11th birthday}

 Nathan took off work so that he could spend the day with Mason! We started the day with gifts. Mason isn't really into toys anymore...you know because he's all grown and eleven and stuff...but he does have some things that he collects. He likes to collect Roblox toys and the World's Smallest Toys, so we got him some of those. He still absolutely loves Legos!! And of course, money! 

After gifts, Nate and Mase went on a little trip to the donut store. I was still working that day so I stayed behind. After donuts, Nate took Mason to Urban Air in town. They ran into some of Mason's friends there, so it worked out perfectly. He was able to spend a couple of hours playing with them. 

For supper, Mason picked out his favorite Mexican food restaurant, Ojedas. Nate's parents and Ty & Michelle joined us! Mason was so excited to have them there. 

After supper, we went back to Nate's parents for ice cream and more gifts! 

Mason had a wonderful birthday and is so blessed with the best people in his life! 

{Celebrity Bakery // Waxahachie, TX}

 Our friends that own an Ice Cream shop here in town opened up a bakery. Nate and I finally got to try it out and it's safe to say that it's a new favorite. 

{Michelle's birthday celebration}

 We celebrated our sister-in-law's birthday at Vera Cruz in Midlothian. It was our first time there and it did not disappoint. It was so nice to spend the evening with the whole family! 

{Go Topless weekend at Crystal Beach}

 This was our 2nd year to attend Go Topless at Crystal Beach. Our first experience was in 2018. We skipped 2019 and the pandemic shut down 2020. 2018 was a pretty crazy time, but we enjoyed it. We always get a beach house to resort back to if things get too crazy. This year we shared a house with 3 other couples and it was nice. 

{Mother's Day 2021 // Maggie the Magnolia's first blooms}

 Mother's Day 2021 was pretty amazing!! We started it off with church and ended the evening with Nate's family. I visited with my Mama the day prior and it was a treat! Church was amazing, as always. Nate made me the cutest little card. I will never tire of homemade gifts!! 

{Things I love about spring}

 I'm pretty sure I say that every season is my favorite, but there's just so much to love. Here are some things that I love about spring. 

{Sunset Topless Jeep ride}

 Another reason I love spring...topless Jeep rides! The weather is pleasant and you can't beat the sunset views!! There's nothing like feeling that breeze and feeling the fresh air! 

{Giving Boxing a go}

 Mason has really been wanting to get into something lately. He chose boxing! We have a local policeman that opened a boxing ring/gym in our town, so it was perfect! Our plan is to do a few drop-in classes to see if Mason would like it. It was hard work, but he seemed to enjoy it. 

{Celebrating NeNaw}

 We celebrated Nathan's Grandmother (NeNaw) luau style! It was such a great day together with family! His grandma is the cutest and I just adore her so! 

{Chicken Run}

Now that our chickens have gotten acclimated to their new home/coop, we can let them free range in their run. Just one more step before they're free to roam the full 2 acres. Nathan and I ordered a safety net to put over our chicken run to keep out predators, so that makes me feel better! There's only a small part of the coop area that is not covered and that's so that we can open and close the coop door! Our chickens are loving this new freedom and we are enjoying watching them! 

{Sweet Spring Evenings}

 I love spring evenings when it's pleasant to actually be outside. You don't have to worry about mosquitos and it's not too hot to grill. We recently got a Blackstone and have enjoyed using it to cook our supper. We also recently joined Hello Fresh and we are loving it. This evening we had a shrimp and steak meal and hubbs cooked it on the Blackstone!